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Bring A Year To A Close And To Look Back On

Welcome to the You Are The Media Podcast.

On this show with Chris Huskins and Mark Masters, let’s look at bringing things to a close, look forward to the new year and what 12 months can teach us all.

Ben Roberts closes his year with completing his book and ready to be published in 2019, it’s called Marketing Buzzword To Marketing Authority. During 2018 Ben has been working on his book as well as the regular Marketing Buzzword Podcast. Let’s share Ben’s challenges, pitfalls and triumphs of what it takes to write a book. Perhaps this is something you are looking to do in 2019.

Douglas Burdett has the excellent Marketing Book Podcast and over 200 shows. Let’s find out some key marketing books from 2018 and what Douglas is looking forward to in 2019.

Some of the books Douglas talks about include:

The Creative Curve by Allen Gannett
Talk Triggers by Jay Baer
This is Marketing by Seth Godin
Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday

John Espirian brings in his LinkedIn Sofa and shares a new three-part LinkedIn series.

Enjoy the show

The post Bring A Year To A Close And To Look Back On appeared first on The ID Group.

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