Month of Learning

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Empowering creative business people

Promote you and your business to grow your own audience, instead of relying on algorithms and paid media.

The Goal

Be self-sufficient to give you the confidence to find your voice, create and grow your audience. All of this within a supportive learning community that champions your success.

It’s time to take your work to a deeper level where you are encouraged to stand for something, test new ideas, own your space and people to know you are the right person for them.

What we’ll do

You Are The Media Club is where we will cover:

Monthly themes

Tutorials delivered

Encourage experiments

Accountability sessions

Sharing and working together

Who is it for?

The You Are The Media Club is for you if:

You want to build your own audience

You want to stand for something, but not quite sure

You have a tough time with content consistency

You don’t know how to turn ideas into reality and build subscribers/customers

You want a safe place to share ideas and be inspired

You struggle to find your voice

You are up and running, but your audience isn’t growing

You haven’t quite figured out your values and how it ties in with your business

You’d like a safe space to experiment and be innovative

You need to be efficient with your time

You are happier when you are supported and feel part of a team

What Do You Get?

Here’s what you get every month, for £30.

When you’re in YATM Club, it’s not intended to take over the time you spend on a social platform, but to know there is activity happening every week.

Every Thursday we have John Jocham’s work together session (we do this at YATM Creator Day), at the start of each month Mark leads live learning sessions on audience growth and promoting your work, towards the end of the month Ben McKinney leads Sense Check where we share what we’re thinking of but haven’t quite committed or figured out. Every Friday at 5pm, we also have the end of week campfire before you log off for the week.

Shared values

The You Are The Media Club is for people with shared values:

dependence, creativity, accountability, visibility, experimentation, openness, contributing, self sufficiency, innovation, support, love, growth, discipline, sharing success and cooperation

How it helps people and their businesses

You Are The Media works because of the talented people who make up the community and the relationships made.

We took on board new ideas from a YATM Club live session on newsletters. From this, we achieved our most successful engagement and click throughs from our community.’

Emma Graver, Head of Marketing and Communications, Over The Wall


Since joining YATM Club I am blown away by how supportive and responsive everyone is here. Thank you!

Joanne Young, Coach

The beauty lies in the diversity of perspectives when people support each other.

I feel supported, I feel like I belong and I have learnt so much from the diverse knowledge within this group. It has tested my thinking and made me a better person for it.

Jon Jenkins, Accountant


Being part of YATM, I feel I have a new family and part of something invaluable.

Stewart Perrett, Business Owner

We rally around each other

When you are part of a community, it’s important to know that others are around you, motivating you and cheering you on.

This isn’t about relentless posting, it’s about knowing the right people are around you, when you need them.

When there is a private space, that is off grid, it becomes slightly easier to be more open with each other. In turn, this is reflected in your work, with advice, feedback and support to propel you forwards.

Surround yourself with your own team.


The plan so you get the most value

In this 20-minute video, I will share with you how the YATM Club benefits business owners, marketing department leads and solopreneurs.

It also gives a chance to answer the main questions that have been raised as we worked through the beta version. You can also hear about the future thinking for YATM and your role in it.


What does being part of the YATM community mean?

Catherine Adams shares her experience of what it means to feel a part of something with others.

“As a freelancer this introduces me to like-minded people I can check in with, blending work and social company on my terms.

I use this space for my professional learning and to feel encouraged to push myself. It’s an investment of my time which broadens my horizons and takes me out of my comfort zone in a healthy, safe environment. This space is non-judgmental, supportive – personal growth is absolutely encouraged and the platform is open to all.”


Here is what being a part of the YATM Club means to Ben Egginton.

As I’ve entered the big wide world of work, the support of YATM has been profound. The feeling of being young and new to industry does not exist at YATM. 

YATM has been a rock amongst all of the weird and wonderfulness of the commercial world. We all need that place where people build each other up.”


Here is how Rich Burn has seen results.

“From the live sessions, it helped me to set-up and create my newsletter.

It helped me with structure, in terms of  themes, so I know this is what I need to stick to. In eight weeks, I have 500 subscribers and growing. Happy with that from starting a newsletter from scratch. A bit of direction goes a long way.”


Choose Your Plan

YATM Subscriber


  • Weekly newsletter sent every Thursday
Subscribe here

YATM Club Member

£90 or £330 (per quarter or annually)

  • Live training session each month
  • YATM Sense Check peer session each month
  • Work Together sessions every Thurs (9.15am BST)
  • Friday ‘end of week campfire’ (5pm BST)
  • Promise sessions (every 8 weeks on making ideas happen)
  • Members only community forum
  • Discussion spaces
  • Thursday YATM newsletter
  • Live event discounts
Join In


£1,399 (annually)

  • Live training session each month
  • YATM Sense Check peer session each month
  • Work Together sessions every Thurs (9.15am BST)
  • Friday ‘end of week campfire’ (5pm BST)
  • Promise sessions (every 8 weeks on making ideas happen)
  • Members only community forum
  • Discussion spaces
  • Live event discounts
  • Thursday YATM newsletter
  • Quarterly call with Mark
  • Ongoing feedback, advice and support
Join In

Is there anything else you’d like to know?

Just leave your email and will get back in touch with you ASAP.