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The YATM newsletter every Thurs AM.

    A Newsletter For People Who Choose Themselves

    YATM weekly is a newsletter, every Thursday, for creative business people who want to take ownership.

    Join our 2,500-strong community and learn how to own your narrative, attract your audience, and become the media powerhouse you’re meant to be.

    YATM empowers you to promote yourself and your business to grow your own audience, instead of relying on algorithms and paid media. All of this within a supportive learning community that champions your success.

    Click here to see a recent edition of the YATM newsletter. Someone from the community always starts, maybe in the next few weeks, it’s you?

    Just leave your email, below, I’ll see you every Thursday …. Mark : )

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    Thursday newsletter

    The YATM Weekly helps you build a loyal audience so you become the leading voice in your marketplace. All yours every Thursday.

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