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Turning Email Into Your Biggest Ally

Welcome to the You Are The Media Podcast.

On this show let’s focus on email and share with you those who are building their audience and also how to structure and embrace a medium where you are 100% in control where the secret is in the message you create and the momentum you find.

On this show…

Scott Monty is the driving force behind the industry acclaimed email newsletter The Full Monty. This email shares the most relevant information in marketing and communications every week. Have a look and sign up here

Nick Evans from Extra Mile Communications was our guest at the September You Are The Media Lunch Club and you could sense everyone hung to his every word. He specialises in email communications and has worked for Apple as Head of Marketing For Education. Our chat with Nick is a Q&A for what you need to do.

On John Espirian’s Linkedin Sofa let’s have a bit of explanation time from John about what LinkedIn view counts actually mean. Do profile views matter? What about post views, what does that actually mean?

Enjoy the show


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