The Books To Make You A Stronger Marketer. With Douglas Burdett

When it comes to what marketing books to read, Douglas Burdett is the perfect person to ask.
Douglas is the host of the long running, Marketing Book Podcast. A show that promises to make you a better marketer.
In this show I ask a host of questions, here they are (as well as the links).
If I wanted to start 2018 with some new thinking
The Content Revolution by Mark Masters (I HAD TO PUT THIS IN DIDN’T I!?!)
UnBranding by Scott and Alison Stratten
Non-Obvious 2018 by Rohit Bhargava This will publish on 1/5/2018 This was his 2017 interview:
A book to give clarity on how marketing is today
David Meerman Scott – The New Rules of Marketing and PR (6th edition)
12 Powers of a Marketing Leader by Thomas Barta and Patrick Barwise
If I wanted to really lean into building a personal brand?
Known by Mark Schaefer
The Road to Recognition by Seth Price and Barry Feldman
The Dorie Clark trilogy: reinventing you, stand out and entrepreneurial you
If I wanted to learn a bit more about behaviour, not just how we should market/sell?
Impossible to ignore by Carmen Simon
The Business of choice by Matthew Willcox
The Science of Selling by David Hoffeld
Douglas’ own personal favourite from 2017 The End of Advertising by Andrew Essex
Perennial Seller by Ryan Holiday
They Ask You Answer by Marcus Sheridan
A book that is timeless?
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie Anything by Peter Drucker, Philip Kotler